Happy Year of the Snake! Me, my mother, and my grandmother share this sign in the Chinese Zodiac, so the three of us should expect good fortune. Moreover, it's the Year of the Wood Snake. This is specifically Mom's element, so things should be even better for her. I'm Ground and Grandma is Metal.
Since my brother has an interest in reptiles, I asked him to match us with snake species, taking our elements into consideration. He said I'd be a Woma Python, a type of large burrowing snake, adept at crossing hot sand. He gave Mom the Brown Tree Snake, known for their cat like eyes and mouths, capable in the canopy as well as the forest floor. Grandma got Grey Ratsnake, their colouration meeting her element of Metal, as well as the fact that they inhabit places similar to where she lives.
My brother's a Water Monkey so I said he could be a Japanese Macaque, the only primate, save humans, to live so far North. They enjoy bathing in natural hotsprings, which relieves them of the cold of their snowy habitat.
Usually I do a Year in Review. My final post of 2024 was basically a review of every year except this past one, so it kind of turned me off the concept. Now we're almost through January, so we can just say I'm reflecting on this past Year of the Dragon instead. I'll probably still use Western chronology...
Previously, I'd said that the theme of 2020 was COVID. 2021 was learning to live with Lee-Anne. In my 1000th post, I'd noted that 2021 had my lowest count for entries, and fewer personal events than any other year of my life. The only thing of note was us adopting Finn. We hadn't even moved in together in 2021, we did that late 2020. But the theme of the year was creating a household together during the languishing period of COVID.
In 2022 I got my diabetes diagnosis and managed a surprisingly strong recovery. In 2023 me and Lee-Anne got married. For 2024, since she was slotted to have her intra-cranial exam for her seizures, I figured that year would be about Lee-Anne's epilepsy options.
Well, that didn't get to be as much of a focus as we would have liked. She did have the intra-cranial exam, followed by a meeting with a neurosurgeon. But they hadn't processed her data, so we had to wait for that. After that came in, we got to see the report, but we needed to wait for a neurologist to read it to us. Then we needed to schedule a meeting with the neurosurgeon again. This all took about a year. We've got a meeting coming up next week. It's always tough, because the opportunity to proceed with treatment is scary, but the constant postponements are disappointing.
In addition to this, 2024 was a real crapshoot. My mom and brother's house burned down. We had to evacuate their stuff, they had to move into our two bedroom apartment with us, we found a new place for them in our neighbourhood, and we helped them rebuild their household.
My granddad died. Trump won the US election with all manner of sinister promises.
We did get to visit my grandparents that live in Northern Ontario, which I hadn't managed for a long time. That was nice.