Sunday, September 27, 2009

Clothes Shopping, Welfare, Foodbank, Forum, Resume

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. The Internet was down.

On Saturday, Granddad came over, and we went clothes shopping in celebration of my birthday. Granddad makes visits on a weekly basis, usually on Saturdays.

Clothes shopping used to be one of my least favourite activities when I was a child, and I'm still not overly-fond of it, but my attitude has mellowed, I now see a greater necessity in it, and now that I'm collecting money on a semi-regular basis, I can more greatly appreciate getting something for free.

Looks like we'll have to go to the Welfare office tomorrow, though. Welfare is a humongous pain. I've been through a few meetings, and just looking at the requirements irks me. I know that it's kind of like getting something for nothing, but they sure do a good job of not making it seem that way! Even if the person you're dealing with is nice, and you're good enough to already be fulfilling the application requirements, even down to documenting them, before the start of your collecting it, and you have no qualms about the base concept of Welfare, there's something about it, that, once you get in there, just gets under your skin. That's my feelings on it, anyway.

I took a look at the document requirements to be accepted into Katimavik, and they're annoying, too. They ask you if anyone in your immediate family suffers from mental problems, including depression, and they ask if you have learning disabilities. These are only the issues that apply to me, but there's a ton of stuff they ask that doesn't, which doesn't seem fair, and which I wouldn't hold against a person for, too.

I started a new account at that chromatic harmonica forum. I had an account before, and I'd asked one question, but returning to it, I'd forgotten my password, and I couldn't remember it, so I had to start again new. I'm having difficulty phrasing my concerns specifically, so I haven't posted yet.

I'll probably be working tomorrow. Since I've got the Welfare thing to do, and also, we're planning on going to the food bank, and the food bank and the work have to be done in the morning, tomorrow's gonna be pretty cramped. Mom'll be working with me, going to the food bank with me, and doing Welfare with me. I'm going to guess the food bank will be put off until the next day.

It'll be good to see the food bank again. I used to volunteer there. I'd like to say I still do, but it's been awhile, since it seems like every day is something. Granted, I had a day or two this week, but I wasn't up to much, with the illness and birthday celebrations and all.

I'm still waiting on those two prospective pieces of work experience. So long as I get them before the end of 2009, I'm happy with that. Right now, on my resume, I have six categories for work experience. Three of them are 2008-exclusive, two of them span a long range, but begin much earlier in my life, and one has started in 2009. In 2008, I was in a huge slump. I was afraid of everything. It took me days to work up the nerve to do one application, and I'd be physically sick after. I expected the world to come to me, and was constantly resentful and depressed.

Having reconstructed my behaviour to such an extreme, I find it highly disappointing that my resume has me down as having done three times worse this year. We're past the halfway point for this year, too. If both these opportunities go through, I'll at least bring last year to a draw, which I'd be satisfied with.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how similar it is, but I'll offer it up anyway: I am so, so glad that I can apply for and receive unemployment online, without ever going into the office once. Part of it is what I think you might be describing, that if I were to go to an unemployment office, the people who'd be helping me see hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people every day, and for all I know, they've reached the point where each of us looks like someone else out to game the system. I dislike needing assistance as it is, so I wouldn't be eager to ask for help from people with that attitude (not that I believe all employees would or that they would show it, it's just a feeling) ... and then the other side of it would be the presence of the negative thoughts that can surround people who are in a similar situation to me (or worse).

    It's not the people themselves ... one of the things about having gone through substance-abuse counseling is that it reminds me not to make assumptions about other people. It's more the cloud of resignation that hangs around places like that. After all, you typically don't go to the unemployment office to announce that you've got a full-time job and don't need their help any more ...

    I hope you can get into Katimavik. That sounds like it would be pretty cool.
