Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Haircut, Karate, Halloween, Autumn

Hi guys. Sorry I haven't been on recently. Even with my stealthy publication style, it seems this is falling into an occasional thing. I'm at the library this time. Gotta make this quick, as last time I tried to publish at the library, I ran out of time, and the time before that, I also ran out of time, but at least I managed to cap it off. I have other things to do on the computer today, so I'd best make this a quick update.

I got my hair cut. I let my mom do it because I didn't want the barber at Magicuts to grill me again. It went alright.

In karate, I'm training for my black stripe. Gonna be tested next week. I think I already said that that would be my hardest stripe, but I've got the kata about two-thirds of the way down. I had a blackbelt observe me. He wasn't teaching that day, but was kind enough to stick his neck out. Said I was doing good. Some things I could improve on my technique, but I've at least got the first two thirds memorized.

I don't think it's an out-of-reach goal, but it's going to be difficult. Of course, I'm only going to be tested because the head honcho thinks I'm at the point where it's conceivable that I get it in a week. If I don't get it, there's no consequence, but my rival white belt is already being tested. I'm a stripe ahead of him, and he came close to getting the stripe that I'm ahead of him on last week. He might get it this week, today or tomorrow. So it's unlikely, but conceivable that I lose my lead. I'm gonna try for my blue stripe this Thursday, though.

I got tickets to give out to kids on Halloween. Free month of free karate, and every kid that signs up gets me a free month. So if I get all the kids to sign up, I get nineteen months of free karate! I'm not in a position to feel the money I'm losing on these classes, but the concept of getting free lessons still invigorates me!

Now, I live in an apartment, so I can't give 'em out at my door, but I know someone now who I might be able to hand them out at. If not there, I'll figure something out. It's too good an offer to pass off.

I love Halloween, by the way. I remember trick or treating. It wasn't so long ago. Last tiem I went I was SIXTEEN! I deemed correctly deemed myself too old at Fifteen, but one of my friends coaxed me and three others to give it one last go. I looked old for my age, too, so every other house was asking me if I were a little old for trick-or-treating? One time, my friend, the guy who coaxed me into it, said "DAD! What are you doing?!" and the person wouldn't give me candy on account of me being his father.

It was funny, because he was older than me!

Yyyyeah, I guess I shouldn't have gone. But hey! If I made you a bit uncomfortable with my elderly trick-or-treating, I bet I wasn't as annoying as the people who egged your house, which was the current age-appropriate Halloween activity.

You know what's odd about having Fall as a favourite season? Well, Summer and Winter are sitting states of climate, while Fall and Spring are activity seasons. By that I mean, you can go to the tropics if you want summer all the time, and you can go to the arctic for constant winter, but tyou can't go anywhere for constant Fall or Spring. That's because, even if you found a place where the temporature and climate were right, the falling leaves or budding flowers are circumstantial occurances. They happen because of change. And anything that is constant cannot be in a constant state of change, you get me?

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