Friday, January 14, 2011


...That guy... who I had known in high school without knowing it... got fired the other day. That stung. I guess I shouldn't go into why, although it's not bad. It's understandable from my friend's perspective why he would sacrifice his job, and it's understandable why my supervisor just had to fire him. This means there are only two of the original five of my group who started at the same time.

It looks like that guy I signed up with at my agency, who wound up in the same job placement, and then in the same team, who I would then be separated from, being switched to Night Shift, has been switched to not only my shift, but my team ONCE AGAIN!

The coworker I gave bread to, and who gave me chili in return, gave me pickled eggs today. Also, he wants to buy a loaf of bread off of me once every two weeks. Apparently his roommates loves my bread as well. I told him it'd be no problem to give him a loaf every couple weeks, but he insisted.

In my factory, there are candy machines. I'm not talking about chocolate bar and chip machines, but those machines you find in grocery stores, where you can crank a knob and receive a handfull of gum or fruit-flavoured candy. And they're not on the breakroom floor. They're on the workplace's floor. One time, there was a tool box filled with lolipops when we went in, and we each got offered one.

In the bathrooms, we have two kinds of soap, "Light" and "Heavy". They're not labeled "soaps" either, but rather, "cleansers". That kind of threw me when I started working. I thought that, if I used the "heavy" cleanser, people might think "What kind of mess did he make at the urinal?!" and if I used the light, they might think, "Oh, he doesn't want to wash up fully". I use the "light cleanser" now, because I think it's average-strength, whereas the "heavy" stuff is for people with an especially messy job. This is evidenced by the fact that some people go to the bathroom just to wash their hands, but the "Light" cleanser is used up the fastest over time.

This tells me the majority uses the "Light", and the "Heavy" is reserved for more specified purposes.

My backpack is almost dead. I've had to duct-tape it, and the material is so thin, I can see through the bottom. I don't trust it with anything heavy! Me and this back-pack have been together for many years, through good times and bad, but I think it might be time to get a new one...

Canada World Youth sent me an email today, asking me to fill out a form confirming my interest... The same form I've done twice. I don't know what to do with this.

Yesterday, I was chilling with an old friend. I told her something, and she told me that she'd read it on my blog. What! I'd better be more careful with my content. My current audience now consists of a confirmed three people. Maybe significantly more, since this blog comes up s the third hit on Google for "Katimavik Thunder Bay".

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