This networking site is pretty huge, and if you make a submission to one of their more substantial subreddits, it will almost certainly not see the light of day. This subreddit has the highest member count I've seen yet, with 1,608,019 members.
It made the front page. Here's the link:
As of now, it has 640 upvotes (positive ratings) and 128 comments. Someone suggested I post it to another place where it would be applicable, and it made the front page THERE as well!
Yes, I'm aware that that subreddit is called r/humanporn. On Reddit, "Porn" is a term for a subreddit based around photos. It doesn't mean it's pornography. R/humanporn is dedicated to photos of human beings that inspire emotion. Right now, there's an elderly Romanion woman casting a vote, and and autistic man with a portable game system standing next to my village girl on the front page. Ironically, the highest-rated photo right now is of a Tuareg, which are the people invading my girl's homeland.
Anyway, to sum all this up, my photo is now famous. People are arguing in the comments section about whether or not she has arms. I had to post another photo of her where her arms are visible. There are people arguing a bit over whether or not she's blind, and whether or not she has Malaria.
I've been asked several times to do an Ask Me Anything, which is basically a public interview where people ask me questions, just because I took this photo. I don't think this fame will last past a few days, but right now it's booming pretty good.
It's funny. All these other photos I'm posting beside were taken by these really powerful, high-grade cameras. It's funny that my shitty, ancient camera took that sweet pic.
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