Thursday, July 12, 2012

Flickr Account Used Up

Well, I'm back in Guelph.  First thing's first, let me give you a link to the new update in my Gallery blog:

I'd link you to my Flickr account, too, but apparently I've used up all the space on my free account.  I was pretty sure they said their space limit was a monthly thing, but I guess not.  A one year pro account is twenty five bucks.  They assure me that "Holy smokes, that's cheap!" and I guess it is fairly reasonable... But right now, I feel like I'm done with Flickr.  Cheap is fine for some people, but I like to get something for nothing, you know?

I might be able to cheat the system by getting a bunch of separate free accounts, but then I'd have to make a bunch of fake email accounts... And then I'd have to flip through accounts to see everything I wanted.  It would be a little bit awkward.

I got into Residence, although it required somebody intervening with a credit card.  This whole thing has been so messy, but at least thing are set up at this point.  A little math tells me that per year, cost of living is roughly the same whether or not you live in Residence, but that's only if you exclude the summer months which Residence doesn't cover.  I think Residence makes things a little more pricy in total, and when you couple that with their awkward management system, well... At this time, I don't know if I'll be wanting to do this twice...

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