Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Our Computer Broke

Yeah, our computer broke.  It happened a few days ago.  One night, I just turned it off, and the next day it wouldn't turn on again (I hadn't been doing anything weird on it!).   Now, when you try to turn it on, instead of beeping once, it beeps three times rapidly.  Maybe that's some sort of clue?  When we bought the machine, we sprung a little extra for the warranty, and it's a good thing we did, because we wound up using it like, three times!  I think the warranty is just about used up by this time, though.  We've had it for about four years.

We still have my laptop, though, and it's what we've been using for our main computer.  It's a sturdy little thing that has never needed to be repaired, and it's what I'm using right now.  Problem is, I plan to take my laptop with me when I leave (free Internet in Res!)

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