Sunday, November 11, 2012

Winter Coat

Last month was heavy for finances. I got a cell phone, a vacuum, and a computer mouse. I'm trying to be frugal this month, but I've already been forced to make another major purchase. A winter coat. The one I've got at home is from my Linamar days, and it's safety-pinned up one side. There's always something else that you need, huh?

I had my first ESL conversation. One of my partners decided not to do it this semester, but I still have my other partner. I won't go into detail, but it was a very positive first experience. Apparently, I'll be getting another partner to replace the one who isn't going to be doing it.

Remember how I hated my Fox Man name from Cree nation? Well, the Ojibway really like me as a fox. They say that my perception of foxes is false and based on media, and they rattled out a list of positive fox-qualities. I don't  remember them too well, except that foxes make good parents. I said that "When I look in the mirror, I don't see a little orange dog." They seemed to think that was funny.

I tried to say that being called "Fox Man" was a cultural insult, because all the people of that tribe were named things like "Running White Bear" or "Too Hard Bear" whereas the visitors were named things that followed the formula of "Animal + Man/Woman."

But the Ojibway use simpler names than the Cree, so "Fox Man" is just a perfect name in Ojibway.

I guess I really am Fox Man :(

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