Monday, April 8, 2013

FB Profile Pic Update

Hey, check it out,  here's a pic of me in 20 years:

 Now in 30 years, plus drug addiction:

I finally changed my Facebook profile pic. It was still me in my Mali getup. I was feeling so stuck in the past, so I finally switched it up for something recent. A friend of mine took a pic of me and two friends at school.  It got weirdly good reception. 18 Likes, and everyone that wasn't a classmate that Liked  it was a friend, acquaintance, or relative of mine. Nobody from the other two peoples' social networks.

So I cropped it and uploaded it for my profile. Got another 11 Likes. Usually I don't like profile pics with more than one person in them, but I don't think anyone will  have trouble figuring out who "Gryphon" is in this cast. Also, I'm in the foreground, so it shouldn't be too bad.

Probably got such a good reception 'cause I don't go on FB much nowadays. I actually got complaints about that. People are just starved for my attention. I still use FB, but just for PMs, chat, and updating major life events, like when I got into SSW. I also update my profile pic once a year.

I was gonna use one of the in20years' photos, but I still talk with Malians on FB,  and I don't want them to think I got diseased or something. They'd likely be unfamiliar with such photo manipulation technology.

I still have to update my Google+ profile pic. I wouldn't care, but my photo shows next to my name when I log into my email, so I guess I'll have to go back into that place.

You must forgive me for not updating regularly. When all you do is write papers all day, you don't want to be writing for recreation purposes.

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