Saturday, June 22, 2013

Brother Graduated High School

My brother graduated from high school, and he had his ceremony and got his diploma last Friday. He didn't get a graduation cap, and he didn't get a liripipe either, but he did get his diploma handed to him on-stage, instead of trading it for his robes after-the-fact like I did. Also, since his high school is small, each of the graduating class got to have a small piece said about them. They said of my brother that he was clear-thinking and a deep person, or something like that.

There were sandwiches, pizza, cookies, cake,  and punch, among other things, available after-the-fact. The graduating class got to share in the cutting of the cake. It was a more personal but less formal ceremony than mine.

His diploma has his name spelled correctly on it. Somehow, my certificate has me put down as "Gryphon S. Sibbald". My middle names are "Walter" and "Barent" there is no S in either.

...And now this will be the post that shows up when you Google my name, since I just said my first and last names in succession. Well, I guess I haven't said anything too weird for awhile, so I guess that's alright.

We made an extension to the garden a little while ago, for zucchini, onions, and some more flowers. We got some kind of bug problem, though. The only plant that's really looking healthy at this point is my sunflower, which is looking better every day.

I didn't get called back to the order picking place, but I scored a full-time, ongoing position at a cookie factory. Pays over $13 an hour, it's night shift, and it starts next Tuesday night. Apparently it will require heavy lifting. I had to go through an additional training session at the agency, and they requested references.

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