Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dream Journal

I've been recording my dreams again. I haven't been dreaming too much, so I figured I'd just sleep with a notebook next to me and jot down whatever I remembered as soon as I opened my eyes.

First attempt was... Well, it was a start.

Want to keep playing while charging
Battery low, hard to fit in socket
Got mad at Duncan for quoting me saying a stupid catchphrase"

Next night I had a dream about eating at a cafe, not getting charged, going up to the counter to try and convince the lady to let me pay, but she doesn't and keeps trying to give me free food. There was a bit more to that one, but... I'll leave it at this.

I had another one that I can't quite remember and I don't have my journal on me, so I can't speak on it.

But I finally landed this beaut. Longest so far, and a touch less lighthearted.

"I'm getting an elephant tattoo. I also consider getting the word "Aliphant" but the tattoo artist discourages me. He says its easy to misread tattoos of words, but he likes the elephant concept, which I'm basing on a little wooden carving.

Everyone is getting lobotomies so that they don't get some disease. I'm uncomfortable w/ this. Not getting one is considered "anti-feminist".

Me and a sizeable group of others are teleported to an alternate dimension. It becomes known that there will be some kind of rule system that will determine our survival. One person casts suspicion on a particular member of the group. He says he has "the green eyes of the devil".

When he talks to me, I slap a tortilla on his face. The areas around his eyes crumble, revealing green eyes. I accuse him of sending us here/being the devil. He says I'm just prejudice against his "office skin"."

It got a little silly at the end, with the tortilla. And what the crap does "office skin" mean?

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