Thursday, May 29, 2014


Last Monday my grandparents visited, but since I was doing a 10am-6pm work shift, I didn't get to see them for very long.

I've done my two interviews and I'm meeting up with someone tomorrow to discuss potential work. I should know the results for one position in the middle of next week, and for the other, late next week.

For the position I interviewed today, it was a group interview. I've never done one of those before. There were six of us, and one of them was a friend of mine. Apparently last year they took three people. If they do that again this year, disregarding how well I did inside the interview, numerically I've got a 50% chance.

I don't like to talk in-detail on public media about how an interview went because... well... if they Google my name, they could be reading this and then my blog might become influential in a potential decision... and I feel like I want to leave it at the interview process.

But I'll at least say that the interviews seemed to go fine.

I got to meet my new roommates. And we've got someone else moving in tomorrow. They're all here only for the summer, though.

As of next week, minimum wage is being increased to $11, which means that my pay at Well goes up fifty cents. But because I was making twenty five cents over minimum before, I'm going from being a scratch above minimum to minimum. So it's kind of good and bad to me, I don't know how to feel. I worry that cost of living will go up as the minimum wage goes up.

I'm going to vote for the first time this year. Now that my future career is dependent largely on government funding, I kind of have to support the people who don't want to eliminate jobs in my field. I finally have a team, Team Social Work.

I used to fit the bill of a blue color youth who didn't vote. I guess people who have had little influence don't feel the value of their influence.

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