Saturday, October 11, 2014


So my SD card stopped working for my camera and I decided to  go buy a new one. But by the time I reached the store, I realized that I hadn't brought my card with me for reference on what I should buy, and there were a number of options. I saw there were 4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB, and 64 GB cards (or something like that). I wasn't willing to go home and return by bus to learn the answer, so I decided to take a guess.I figured that I was only taking photos, so it shouldn't take much power compared to those who take videos, but I didn't want to go back and regret the new card, so I took an 8 GB,the second-lowest card for sale.

When I got home, I checked my card to see how close I'd come to it. My old card was 1 GB. They don't even  sell cards that low-powered anymore.

I got exempted from my communications class.When you get exempted from something, it feels like passing all the exams and all the papers at once without even trying. But I swapped my work hours at the school onto the time I would have been attending class, so all that means is that I actually get breaks during the school day, instead of clocking in an hour here and there at the office.

I went to a bingo hall for the first time in my life. Beforehand, I'd only ever used one board at a time, but here I had to use six boards at once... and that was easy mode. There were people using 18 boards at once. Don't know how they managed.

I was also unprepared to use the bingo lingo. After ordering the boards, we had the option to buy additional boards "in-book" and "out of book". I wound up ordering "one of each, out of book" but I'm glad I managed to figure that out while I was still standing in line.

Also, I'm used to any line being a "bingo" but according to this place, certain boards have certain calls at what a "bingo" is. Sometimes it's a line, sometimes it's an inner square, sometimes it's the whole board, etc

They also would ask anyone who got a "screw ball", a "pinball" or a "Daffy Duck" to call it out. Never figured out what any of that meant.

And there was a "rapid-fire round" where they would shout numbers at a ridiculous speed. I sat in on a round before contributing, thought the rapid-fire was normal, and was real scared to participate.

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