Saturday, December 20, 2014


Near the beginning of this Christmas vacation, I started getting dizzy spells. This has never been an issue with me before, so I did a lot of speculation. I thought it might be from the drastic shift from sleep deprivation, I thought it might be from difference in air pressure due to Guelph being a dried-up lakebed, I thought it might be from harsh weather changes etc. Then I remembered that I had cut meat mostly out of my diet for a number of months this past year. I decided I wouldn't purchase meat or prepare it at home, but that I could eat it if it was offered to me or I was ordering something. I had a bit of a better knowledge of how to balance myself nutritionally since my last attempt to go vegetarian, and I wasn't going all the way anyway.

But I remembered that from the last time I got my blood tested, I am vitamin D and B12 deficient. D is almost always low for Canadians, but B12 was unique to me, and I found out that you get B12 from meat. I loved meat at the time, so the B12 deficiency was in spite of my carnivorous behaviours. Cutting meat might have been a tipping point.

Then I heard that the B nutrients get used when dealing with anxiety, and I'm so bad for that. So I'm eating meat again and feeling healthier than I have in months. I hate eating meat though. Bah.

My worst dizzy spells were in grocery stores. I went to Food Basics today and felt nauseous when recalling the last time I'd been there. I think it was mostly from the lighting. Grocery stores are so bright, and the Food Basics near where we live is really bad for that. I remember the Food Basics near where we used to live had really classy lighting. Like, it used chandeliers. So uncharacteristic for such a low-brow grocery.

You know what I think is foolish about Food Basics? They have that policy of putting a chain up between unstaffed registers, and they have their exit doors past the register area, as if they don't trust the bar code system to stop people from stealing. Zehrs, which is a more expensive grocery, has a shared enter/exit section, and it doesn't bother with chains. If someone were to steal, I'd imagine it would be from Zehrs, so the mistrusting attitude of Food Basics seems inappropriate.

I visited 2ndChance a while back and got to catch up with my old employment counselors.

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