Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Beer Machine

Got my first crop of beer from the beer machine a little while ago. It's... it's okay. It's really dark, almost opaque, with very little head. I used the "honey brown" mix, and even though it smelled overpoweringly sweet at first, when it finished brewing the scent was completely gone. It was kind of watery to taste on the first sample, but in the next few days it changed to a more "beery" and bitter flavour. I've had three other people drink it. It's okay.

My garden's not doing well at all. I grew everything from seed this year, so when stuff came up I sort of assumed that they were my crops. But a little while ago I compared my plants with the newly-sprouting weeds in the unused portion of the garden and they are the same. I figured that since my stuff was growing faster and better than the weeds, that it must be different. But in reality, the weeds in my portion only grew better because it was better soil, with more regular watering, and no competing weeds.

The only thing that's growing alright are the beans. I don't know what to do.

I used to get really existential when I'd weed. Like "Why should the strong die to make way for the weak, just because the weak profit me more?"  I almost appreciate these crafty weeds, that grew in so systematically and so appealing to the eye, as if they disguised themselves in order to survive.

I have a couple of flower baskets growing at least. So there's that.

But I wanted zucchinis and sunflowers!

Summer program training started this week. It's good to see my people again.

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