Saturday, December 19, 2015


It's finally snowing... Looks like we're going to have a white Christmas after all. We've had one other serious snowfall this year, but it didn't last more than a day before going back to Autumn weather.

I had a dream about a week ago. I was carpooling to Extend-a-Family with two of my old SSW peers and someone from my New Story training. Then we noticed that nobody was in the driver's seat. We wondered how the car had gotten onto the highway and appeared to be steering without a driver. Then we realized it was because the guy from New Story was pressing buttons in the back seat. But he hadn't realized that that would make the car move, and he wasn't really sure how to drive it. So we all started frantically trying to figure out how the back seat driving worked, but it was unsteady and we wound up veering off the road into a swamp. I saved my backpack but lost my shoes.

And then last night I had a dream that one of the Malians from Canada World Youth gave me an all-expense-paid trip to Mali. I caught up with my host family in Karadie, then met with the person who had called me, as well as my Counterpart who he'd also called. Turns out, he'd made these preparations just so that we could do a simple delivery. It was on the other side of the nation, though, and we were on foot, so it would be a journey. As we passed the different villages and cities, I was surprised over and over again that people I knew from Canada were there. I ran into some old coworkers from when I was at the Info Desk, and I ran into an old coworker from the Summer Program, who was there because Mali "has the best gym in the world" so he had to make the extra effort to cross seas.

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