Friday, September 30, 2016


Hey hey, so one thing I forgot to mention from my time at Impeesa is that me and a couple other people managed to play a perfect game of Jenga. For anyone that doesn't know, Jenga is a game where a tower of wooden pieces is made on a 3x3 grid is built, and then players are required to remove pieces from the body and transport them to the top until the tower falls. Whoever made the last move loses. It's a pretty pessimistic game, because in most games there is only one winner, whereas in Jenga there is only one loser. Jenga is a game where you can't win, you can only lose.

At Impeesa, they have a giant Jenga set, where the pieces are set 5x5 instead of 3x3 and the pieces are heavy and huge. I played with a couple of people, and when the idea of a perfect game came up, things became more about facilitating this possibility than defeating one another. In the end, we managed to create a tower built entirely on a 2x2 grid. We were further validated when an external member challenged us when we claimed this was the best game. He offered to show us we were wrong, he spilled the tower, and so no one in the team that competed had to make the shameful final move.

I watched Suicide Squad a second time in theaters. The nature of my work puts me in a very advantageous position, in which I see movies for free regularly, but because the people I serve are the ones calling the shots, I often see movies several times if they're trending. I saw Minions three or four times in theaters because of this.

I don't understand Snap Chat people. For the longest time, all I knew about it was that my friends would make really exaggerated expressions into their phones about whatever it was they were doing, and then point their phones at me and tell me to react. I would never react, which would make them react even more strangely into their phones in response to my non-reaction. Eventually one of my friends made me get it, and I promptly forgot I had it.

So I'm complaining about Snap Chatters to my friends, and they're like "But you are on Snap Chat. We all added you." Then I remember my friend making me get it nine months earlier, so they snap chat a picture of me with the text "When you forget you have Snap Chat" and send it out. That's not funny. My expression did not convey an emotion that implied I'd forgotten Snap Chat, it's just an image with the context added on. Then that Snap got a return Snap of my friends laughing. I just don't get it.

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