Monday, October 21, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

Well, I should get a post out before tomorrow, because I missed the Thanksgiving update and Canada's having a federal election, which will warrant it's own post.

So... Thanksgiving was a couple of weeks ago. I went up to Guelph and had the standard turkey dinner with my mother and brother. It was a pretty low-key event, but we had a more traditional family gathering this past weekend. Last Friday and Saturday, my grandparents, my aunt and my cousin all visited in Guelph.

If you don't believe I was in Guelph for some reason, here's some photographic evidence:

It's a Gryphon with a gryphon!

That's our famous gryphon statue, situated outside the University of Guelph. We paid some significant coin for that thing. Worth every cent, I say.

Unfortunately, the good feelings of the visit were dampened a little by the fact that one of the Guelph cats, Luna, was sick. She had been acting a little odd, at first seeming a little uncoordinated, and then having a reduced appetite, and then seeming lethargic. So we brought her to the vet, and it turns out she has an anal abscess.

Turns out, having an anal abscess makes a cat not feel like drinking, so my mother had to learn how to force feed her liquids. She was also prescribed antibiotics, and last I saw her, she was active, sociable, purring, and eating and drinking voluntarily, which is great.

Did you guys know that I've been living with a Chilean woman for the past four months? Probably not, since I haven't mentioned it. This has more to do with my roommate than me, but she did make me a bunch of empanadas and gave me a reiki  massage, and she has offered to host me if I ever choose to vacation in Chile.

I guess I'll also report in this update how my garden did this year, since we're past our first frost and the harvest season is basically over. Last I spoke to you guys, I said that my pumpkins had become huge and were bullying the other plants. I wasn't sure if I should be glad that they were as healthy as they were, or if I should be mad that they crowded everything else. Well, it's pumpkin season, and let me tell you, right when they were at their most glorious and had dominated the rest of the garden, they suddenly died. So I'm a little miffed at them, because they flourished at the expense of their neighbouring crops, then perished before giving me anything.

Wasn't a total waste. We got more snow peas this year than last. There was one day, where I was sitting by the garden, vaguely noticing that the snow pea plants were more full than usual, and suddenly realized that many of what I had taken for leaves were actually peas. Ate most of them fresh and gave the rest out.

The cherry tomatoes also eventually started producing on a regular basis, even though it was late in the season. The regular tomatoes, just like last year, produced but way too late, not giving them a chance to ripen. Looks like fried green tomatoes again this year.

The cucumbers didn't produce like they have in previous years, but I will give them this: I had taken all the crawling plants, such as the watermelon, honey dew, cantaloupe, and cucumbers to be dead after the pumpkins choked them out, but of all of them, the cucumbers survived, climbed bamboo stalks and flowered, even if they didn't produce.

But of course, my crowning achievement this year were the sunflowers. I've already spoken on it, but after a tough season and having failed twice before, I managed to bloom three Lemon Queen Sunflowers. The sunflower is an important symbol to me, and it made the entire gardening endeavor worth it this year.

And at the end of this season, I have today done my civil duty and voted. For some reason, I never get my voter card in the mail. My roommate got his, and I didn't get mine even though I'm the leaseholder. Wasn't much of a deterrent. Between my health card and some government mail, I was able to vote. I don't want this blog to become hugely political, so I won't speak on who I voted for. However, I already have a feeling that, no matter what the results are, emotions are going to run high, and when I speak on the winner, some of my views might leak out. This is a big election. Our neighbours to the south aren't the only ones with divisive politics.

That being said, anybody who knows me, my line of work, and my values wouldn't be too surprised by my political opinions, I don't think.

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