It was my birthday a couple days ago. Lee-Anne made a dinner at my request
Pork tenderloin with a sour cream/mustard sauce, potatoes, and Brussels sprouts
And she made dessert
That's a peanut butter pie. I first asked for a peanut butter cake, because at WALES we traditionally make a cake for people on their birthdays, and that's the type I request. A traditional WALES recipe. But she thought maybe the peanut butter would ruin the texture of the cake, so she asked if she could do a pie instead. I like pies better than cakes anyway, so that was cool.
But speaking of WALES and my birthday, I predicted a long time ago that COVID would be over on September 21st, 2021. I said it would be a birthday present for me. So that didn't wind up being true.
Voting day was the day before my birthday. We wound up with a Liberal minority, just like we had before. I'm not exactly complaining, but it made the whole forced early election seem pointless.
The one kind of cool thing that happened was that my riding went Green! Smaller party, focused on climate, having a bit of an identity crisis this year since everyone else is focused on climate this year too, but still really cool to have them.
Today's the second day that vaccine passports are required for entry into non-essential places, like restaurants and movie theatres. I haven't been anywhere like that, but I know a few people who have. You can just pull up your vaccine receipt on your phone and show a piece of photo ID. Apparently next month we'll be getting something with a QR code that can be scanned for entry.
In other news, we finished that giant sack of rice I bought during the initial panic buying stage of the pandemic. Now we get to get a new sack, and this time, we're not limited to the one remaining brand that wasn't picked over by hoarders.
Early this year we tried to grow a patch of sunflowers in the front yard. It's the only thing we tried because the green space more belongs to the upper unit, and we didn't want to ask too much while we were still new. We used seeds from Lee-Anne's grandmother's giant flowers, and things started off really promising, with seedlings that looked just like little sunflowers. As they grew, they started to develop branches, which was weird but maybe just the nature of this type. Eventually, we found out that somehow, we grew something totally unrelated. Probably a patch of weeds. Oh well, maybe next year.
Also, here are those team photos from EAFy Day last Friday, with our homemade uniforms:
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