Lee-Anne was in Orlando, Florida attending the NOAH conference last week. NOAH stands for the National Organization of Albinism and Hypopigmentation. If I have somehow failed to mention it, Lee-Anne has albinism, which is a genetic condition that means her body doesn't produce pigment. People with albinism have pale skin, light hair and blue eyes, as well as some degree of vision loss.
The NOAH conference usually runs every other year but last time it got canceled because of COVID. They had virtual activities as a replacement and I attended some of them, but it's just not the same as in person. 2022 was the first time since the pandemic that the conference was able to be held. However, she still got COVID.
She came back last Monday evening, and on Tuesday noticed she had a sore throat. She took a rapid test and it came back positive. Since then I've been sleeping on the couch and we've been wearing masks in common areas.
Her symptoms never got worse and it has now been five days since she's been symptomatic, which means she should be past her most infectious stage. I took a rapid test today and it came back negative, so hopefully I'm good.
It's surprising that I managed to dodge it, since apparently COVID is currently the most infectious common disease, this new strain outpacing measles for the title. Silver lining is that it's not as deadly as it used to be.
Because it's impossible to track the number of cases anymore, since people are taking rapid tests at home and not reporting results, policies are being decided based on hospitalizations. I don't think I mentioned it, but my organization reopened in its' usual limited capacity for what I think is the fourth time recently.
It's fortunate that she came back Tuesday evening, because I do in-person services Monday and Thursday, so this meant that I didn't have contact with any member afters connecting with her. I couldn't go in on Thursday, though.
There was an optometry conference recently, which we're aware of because Lee-Anne's family is rooted in optometry, and apparently 45% of the people that attended contracted COVID. It would be interesting to see what the results are for NOAH.
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