Well, I've connected to the Internet inside the library with my laptop. I couldn't do it yesterday, because for some reason, the Internet was working. I still wanted to come and try to figure things out, but Mom and Duncan were so starved for Internet, I just let them have full go with it all day (I'm allowed to say I "let" them, because it's my laptop, in case you forgot). They don't have library cards so they can't use the regular Internet library terminals, like I've been.
It was difficult to get on, and I'm not sure how I did it. First it couldn't connect to any wireless connection because the setting had been turned off. It gave me instructions on how to turn it on, but I couldn't find the switch. So I tugged and fussed at the hardrive randomly for awhile, and then the wireless connection setting was turned on. But then the library signal was too weak, so I had to move around the library with my laptop like a dowsing rod.
Anyway, I've been getting alot done, but now a few people have sat near me. One in particular is bothering me. When people are nearby, I only have the nerve to stay on text-based sites and to huddle over the laptop to obscure my script. I know the library people technically have full access to everywhere I go, but c'mon, they don't really bother checking in on people. I've seen one person caught using someone else's library card, as the library card he was using was registered under a person with an obviously female name, whereas he obviously wasn't, but that's the extent of information I've seen library staff go over. And even if the staff did go over my stuff, they're not the type of person I resent seeing what I'm doing. I've got a list of qualities in a person that would make me want to be more private around them. And the person nearest has three major ones. She's a student, she's of my generation, and she's female. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, and I'll be extra sure she doesn't sneak a peek at my screen, but under my current circumstances, I don't think it's completely unreasonable for me to feel this way.
The fact that she's a student and of my generation makes me jealous, because it reminds me of what I should be doing with my life, which in turn makes me feel guilty. The fact that she's female and of my generation creates a feeling of incompetence that doesn't need further explanation.
I'm rambling because I want to look busy, like I'm not just doing nothing because she's there, but I'm secretly just buying time and hoping she goes away.
Anyway, Winter has finally arrived. Two days ago, it was still Fall, basically. Previously, we'd had two light dustings of snow that had melted before mid-morning. But now the city's fully and permanently carpeted.
I enjoy Winter in the way that only a person who doesn't have to shovel snow can enjoy it. I'm usually fine until the last month or so, but on that last month, I'm usually pretty worn out. I'm thinking maybe I'll be okay this year, because I'm taking Vitamin D supplements. I'd heard that the reason so many people have Vitamin D deficiency around here is because it has to do with living in a Northern climate. I'm thinking maybe the reason I get hit with the Winter humdrums so bad before the last month is through is because of Vitamin D deficiency. And in that case, I might have corrected the issue. Maybe this will be the best Winter ever!
Now, if you're all "People of your generation get Vitamin D deficiency because of your stagnant lifestyle, which takes away access to the sun" (most people who read this blog appear to be a generation or two over me) I'll agree with you in part, but I know many people of generations over me who make sure they get the right amount of sun, and who also have the deficiency. My family doctor's nurse says she's never seen anyone who isn't deficient in Vitamin D without taking supplements. And that thing I said about Northern climates, I didn't get directly from a medical professional, but I did get it from someone I trust to do the research, who says he got it from a medical professional. By the way, I so totally get enough sun...
Sorry, I'm a bit sensitive about the B12 and Vitamin D deficiencies. There are areas where I'd expect to be deficient, but after doing the research on these specific ones, I was surprised to find that they were caused by deficiencies in areas where I thought I was doing alright.
I was wrong about identifying my dojo's legend. That's not who this guy is, and I think my original analysis was correct. He's got "sensei" status and is not a native of our dojo. Those are the two facts that I've collected.
I was manipulating avatars for my various Internet aliases. I've got a number of them, but I hate dealing with images. I would have gotten one up here, but this person is sitting near me...
I ought to get some images of Winter, since I got Fall ones. Our camera's still not working, I think. Jeez, life is a lot of maintenance with very little payback.
I've spent too much time blogging... I'm going to go do something else that appears vaguely professional and is text-based.
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