Saturday, December 12, 2009

Quick Post

Alright, gonna make this quick because Granddad's coming over, so I don't have time to go to the library, because the library closes early on Saturdays. The connection here is up, but it's sketchy, and I don't know how hard it might die at any second.

That person left so I was capable of uploading an image onto this blog as my avatar. I stole it, but you know what they say: You gotta steal other people's works. When I become famous, Gryphon Girl can thank me for making her image the most famous image of a Gryphon (although it's like, the third hit on Google Images, so...)

Looks like they do monitor your activity at the library, more so than if you use a regular terminal, but it also appears they have to do it manually. Maybe they can do it through their computers with a regular computer, so you don't notice? But there was a guy who works for the library pacing around us, looking at out stuff. He saw me resizing the image of a tophat.

Dad came over yesterday. We ate Swiss Chalet. Did you know that Swiss Chalet is one of only a few major companies that is exclusively Canadian? Isn't that a little weird? Shouldn't Swiss Chalet be exclusively Swiss, if anything?

Anyway, I love that place. So delicious.

Got my yellow stripe. Can't fail green next week, so I'm basically eligible for grading for upping my belt rank next week.

This is good enough of a blog post. Don't have the nerve to keep pushing it.

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