Right now I'm using the library computer. It's the first time I've used it since I got back. I'm coming back from sending another thing via post. I like sending and receiving things by snail-mail. It feels like an ancient method that has managed to survive against all odds.
Just like before, this is going to be a rushed post, because of the library's time restriction.
Yesterday, I went in to do my OW employability interview. It seemed pretty standard, and was finished before the expected time. Probably in part because my brother had to reschedule, because he had something else going on that day, so his time didn't count in, but I also thought she was going to give me job sheets and go over the job-search requirements of being an OW recipient. Since she didn't, does that mean I have no requirement to look for work? Doesn't matter, because I will anyway... The requirements they put down aren't especially harsh, and I'm sure I'd meet their expectations regardless of whether or not I have to fill out some sheets, but still...
She gave me the card for the OW employment specialist. I think he's the guy who was selected to be our worker last time. The name is familiar, and our last guy mentioned he was a big-shot around their. I think what happened is, we got the employment specialist last time by coincidence, and he put me through the employment bit, just because I was already there, so why not.
I think I may also have agreed to contact this guy, but I'm not sure. Didn't feel like it, actually, but I'll give him a call nonetheless. I don't feel safe as-is.
I should get my resume worked over by a professional, anyway. I think I'm pretty good at it now, and I use the advice given to me by the 2ndchance counselors, but I haven't actually had my resume checked over by someone paid to give advice on it, since I started doing it myself.
I tried studying for my G2 driver's license yesterday. I know someone with a car, who is willing to teach me, but I'm also supposed to study on my own. Absolutely none of it is sticking. I couldn't study effectively in high school and I can't do it now.
You know how I said that it takes like, an hour to walk from where I lived now to where I used to live? Well, guess how long it takes to bus it? About the same time. If we were following the old bus schedule, which we do in evenings, where they came every half-hour instead of every 20 minutes like they do now, then it would take even longer.
I should really start using our bike. I was never a huge cyclist, but yeesh. I might start.
I hope none of you guys are calling and leaving messages on our machine. We got one used, and it's really bad. It switches between static and clarity, so that you can't always understand the message, but you usually get enough human voice that you can decipher who made the call. Recently, I checked the messages and it was full-on static. I thought it was just the phone, which is always kind of static, but then I realized there was a small, muted voice. I held it up to my ear, risking having the voice suddenly go full-throttle straight into my ear, but I couldn't make out any words. Just a fair certainty that someone was talking, and that I couldn't make it out.
I don't know if I said our desktop computer is broken, to. We've had it for a few years now, and in that time, it has spent more time broken than not. Apparently, it was working the whole of when I was gone. Me and it just don't get along, I guess. Mom and Bro keep trying to convince me that it's a good and reliable computer, and these are all stupid little things that should be easily fixed, but we just have bad luck with it, as well as being flukes, but I just don't like it's track record.
Also, while I was gone, the space bar on my laptop broke. That's one reason it's difficult to update this blog. You'll notice this update is substantially longer, despite my having less time to complete it. This is partly because it's so difficult to type without a space bar. There's a little circle in the centre of where the space bar used to be, that you can use to make a space, but you have to push harder, and it takes longer to make your finger travel across the keyboard for it. That sounds petty, but it adds up when you consider it's probably the most comonly used key, and I'm used to having a giant bar. Also, even with the added effort of hitting dead-on and pushing down, there always some commands it doesn't register. You have to develop a system where you look over the last paragraph, go back, and add all the space-commands that didn't take the first time.
YEAH!!! I'm enjoying the library atmosphere. Didn't realize I missed this place until I came back. I used to think that the computer setup was not cool. I guess I still do, but it doesn't bother me so much anymore.
It's been about two months since I returned from Katimavik. I wonder if I've gone from my status as "returning, conquering adventurer" to "unemployed loser" yet.
I kind of hope it has. There are a few people I'd prefer to see me as an unemployed loser, than as some kind of hero.
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