Friday, October 29, 2010

Food Bank, Halloween

Today my brother got his glasses (looks sharp), and Mom got to choose the frames for the glasses she's going to get. Bro also did his OW employability interview. His only obligation is to graduate for now. I tagged along and asked about my job application sheets. She says she doesn't care, she trusts me, she knows I saw their employment specialist, and after our meeting in three months, if I still don't have work, then she might decide to employ that obligation.

We went to the food bank today, too. I know they just give what they get, and it's free food, so we should be thankful for whatever we get, but if I was going to complain, I'd complain about getting bottled water. First of all, that's not exactly a necessity, since we've got tap water, and secondly, it's not even any better than tap water, because it's Nestle. Guelph tap water is Nestle bottled water. And that's not just an opinion. Guelph produces Nestle water, and it flows from our taps.

Plus, we have so much cookies. It's kind of reassuring to know that I'll never be without Yogurt, Dill & Green Onion Naan Bites, but it's hard to attribute them to keeping the household afloat. Mom still gets cookie privileges. The lady asked Mom if she had children, and she said kind of, and told he that I was her child, and the woman still gave us an extra pack of cookies!

Mom decided that today was the day she could start pestering me about grandchildren. Fat chance, Mom! If you wanted that, you shouldn't have raised me to be such a loser. In fact, there was a client at the food bank who was flirting with anything that moved. The one exception was me, and it was kind of bad, because we wound up pushing our carts at the same time, and had a conversation, and she kept referring to me with maternal terms of endearment.

I'm not saying that was an opportunity I would have wanted to pursue, I'm just saying, the last thing any woman thinks about in my presence is pro-creation, even if that's usually all she thinks about.

At least we got another squash. We got a squash as a bonus last round at the food bank, and I considered it some kind of symbol of prosperity and good fortune. This squash isn't as nice, and it wasn't a bonus, but it's still a squash.

I think any time a family member funds a shopping trip, it lasts longer than the food bank donation.

At least I've got plans this Halloween. I don't know what I'm doing, but I know who I'm doing it with, at least.

I went to 2ndchance again, and I didn't get another free suit, but I have the chance to win a jar of candy! I had to guess how many were in a jar. I feel pretty confident about my guess. Everyone else was shooting way too low. I don't know what they were thinking.

I think I might sign up for another 2ndchance counselor. Just because, why not? I enjoy going there, it's where I do a lot of my job-searching, so I'll be there anyway, and it will keep me focused. I think my old official counselor is gone. I haven't seen her since I got back. Initially, when I asked where she was, they said she was on vacation, but she's still not back, and it's been recommended I sign up with a new person. Mysterious.

While I was gone, there was a guy marketed as "The new Gryphon" at Secondchance, and he actually worked for my former employers. I haven't met him, because he moved on to bigger and better things, but I imagine he was a real smooth customer. All style and no substance. Had the gimmicks, but not my depths!!!! I can't be replicated so easily!!!!

For instance, he moved on to bigger and better things. How is that like me at all?!

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