Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Misc Stuff

Yesterday, I got the update on my bloodwork. B12 is normal, but I'm still low on D. They suggested I go down to two supplements for B12 a week, instead of one every day.

I got work boots, Mom got new glasses, and we got a new answering machine!

I also have a new winter coat and hat.

It's not a "cool hat", though. Just a "functional hat".

To wear a "cool hat" is to challenge the world. If someone takes your cool hat, and you can't take it back, then they have complete control over you. However, an assailant who attempts to take the hat and fails suffers dire shame. To wear a cool hat is to constantly be demonstrating one's power.

The more painful it is to wear your hat, the cooler it is. The more out-of-context it is, the cooler it is.

The hat is the only article of clothing that should reflect your spirit, not your body. An intimate bond should be forged between hat and wearer.

These were the philosophies we believed in regarding hats in my Katimavik group. Most of us guys wore pretty flambuoyant hats.

Thinking on it, most of our hat philosophies reflected the philosophies of the luchador mask...

Anyway, this new hat's base design is more interesting than my last one, excluding all the pins, but I can't so easily build a "lifespan" pin collection on one hat, the way I did for Katimavik, and while Katimavik had a short enough span that I could count on my pins to last that long, I know now that pins suffer the the effects of the elements moreso than the hat they are set upon.

I'm still wearing this hat like crazy. Been too long.

I went to 2ndchance. The receptionist was someone I hadn't seen for a very long time, the one I knew best, and the main one when I was using their resources most. I thought she wasn't working there anymore... 2ndchance tends to breeze through their receptionists relatively quickly. I get the impression that they're students.

I also saw my old, official employment counselor... Not the counselors that ran my pre-employment program. Turns out, she's not gone, it's just that our contract ran out, and now I need to reapply. I still saw her, though, and she's going to look over my resume.

She says I'm still the posterboy for 2ndchance. Take THAT "new Gryphon"! You'll see. The next "Gryphon" that comes along will be another "new Gryphon" and they'll say my name, while yours will be forgotten!!!!

I learned that Dungeons and Dragons is not fun if you reach actual combat. I miss the day when we could talk our way through our problems... Fighting is just a lot of repetition and dice-rolling, seems like.

That's how I spent Halloween. Still better than not doing anything.

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