Thursday, September 20, 2012

Actually 85%

Yeah, so I actually got 85% on my Psychology quiz. The automatic grading thing screwed up and gave the wrong answer for one of the questions, so we're being regraded, and since I was one of the people who got the actual right answer, I get an extra point.

They stopped selling large sandwiches at Tim Hortons.  Not that it matters, though.  After witnessing two people getting trained at making sandwiches, I saw that, for the regular size chicken salad, they're trained to put two scoops, whereas for a large (double-size bun), they're trained to put three scoops.  It should be four scoops!!! So that extra few cents you save by getting large goes to that missing scoop, and I don't think it was worth it.

Tomorrow's my birthday.  I get to celebrate it with my first math quiz.  This one should be okay, I never had difficulty with the introductory  stuff.  I'm a little bit worried next week's fractions test, though.  I'm going home for the weekend, though, so I'll get Mom to help me figure it out.  That's kind of her field.

Hey, so if you've been to my gallery blog, you may have seen these critters.

Only just today did I figure out exactly what they are.  They're called Guinea fowl.  I knew that they served a similar function to chickens, but I wasn't sure what the advantage was to having both chickens and these guys.

Well, turns out, they fight off snakes and predatory birds, effectively protecting the other animals, and they somehow kill ticks. Weird to think of them as guard animals.  They were so skittish, I could never so much as reach for my camera without them running away.  My family thought it was hilarious how badly I wanted a photo of them.  I had to get really lucky with this shot.  My camera was already on and poised to take the shot when they coincidentally came by.  Took me basically the entire trip.  But apparently they fight off hawks and giant snakes, to the point where they're considered valuable as guard animals, and it's worth putting up with their obnoxious hooting and general stupidity.

Oh, by the way, do you remember me talking about a spooky kid that I apprenticed, who held my hand as I cried when I left the village?  One of the people I complained I didn't get a photo of.  Well, I found one!

He's the one in the back, with his tongue  half stuck out.

If I'm going home, I have the opportunity to buy a hole punch and a milk jug.  I think I saw both those things at the dollar store.  Our malls have a greater diversity of goods than the malls around here.  I think those are the last two things I need to be fully equipped.

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