Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Aunt Had a Stroke

My great aunt recently suffered from a stroke. It appears that the damage is serious and she will likely pass away. Recovery is possible, but not a full one.

She isn't someone that I know well. She lives in the States and I only ever spoke to her at a handful of family gatherings. Still, this could be one of the few deaths of someone I had a preexisting relationship with. Other deaths were my great-grandfather, one of my great-grandmothers, my grandfather on my dad's side, and a close friend in high school. I was pretty young when my great grandparents moved on, and I was not close to the grandfather that passed away.  My high school friend, who committed suicide, is probably the death that has impacted me the most.

I was around for the death of my father's biological mother, but I only met her as she was dying. So it wasn't a preexisting relationship.

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