Monday, September 10, 2012

Left-Handed Fridge

Today I found out that an old friend from high school, one that I used to hang out with every day, is going to the same college as me.  We ran into each other at the Tim Hortons.  He must've thought I was soooo bald.

As of today, I have done a day of school for every day of the week.  I'm actually looking forward to doing an assignment.  I won't feel like a college student until I've written a paper.  after my first one, though, I'll probably lose my enthusiasm.

Even having gone to my first day of college, my credentials have risen.  I can now write on a job application that I've done "Some college" and on the job bank, I'm on a new level in terms of educational requirements.  Their advertisements are generally separated into "No education required", "High school", "Some college or university" or "College diploma or university degree".  Of course, there are certain jobs that require a specific certification, diploma or degree.  I've officially moved from "High school" to "Some college".

I got my student card's library function activated, so now I can use the library and it's resources.  I was thinking that I would use it to print out my stuff, but now I'm realizing that my computer doesn't make things in the standard .pdf format.  I used to email my resume to my grandfather and have him convert it to .pdf, but I don't want to make him do that for every paper I write moving forward.

Our refrigerator is a left-handed refrigerator, I think. It's handle is on the right.  I think with a normal refrigerator, the handle is on the left, so that when you open it, it opens out in front of you. Since this
refrigerator's handle is on the right, if you stand in front of it and grab the handle, you either twist your arm or hit yourself, depending on how close you are to it.  It's not rocket science to open it, it's maybe the equivalent of a door that has a push bar that you pull to open.   Maybe rich left-handed people can afford to specify what type of room they rent out, and this deluxe apartment was constructed for the rich left-handed.  Yeah, I'm going with that.

This refrigerator keeps tripping me up, but with a little luck, I'll be ambidextrous by the end of the term (at least to the extent of opening left-handed fridge doors).

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