Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Aboriginal Services Office

The other day, a friend of mine was like "Have you been to the Aboriginal services office yet?" and I was like, "Why would I have been to the Aboriginal services office?" and she was like "Because the elder is really nice" and I was like, "But I'm not Aboriginal, and you're not Aboriginal, and I'm wearing my Chisasibi hoodie and he'll think I'm a poser" and she was like "No he won't. Let's go to the Aboriginal services office."

So we went to the Aboriginal services office, and  it turns out that the elder knows people in Chisasibi. A lot of people. Well.

It was actually pretty sweet, but we could only talk for fifteen minutes. He said I could drop by and talk at any time, and he told us about a smudging ceremony that we'd be allowed to come to. something about smoke going in the air.

I've got some application form to volunteer for the Respect campaign, which I don't really know what it is except that it involves encouraging diversity and understanding, and I'm applying to be a consultant for students entering Canada. I'd be teaching English and explaining Canadian culture.

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