Thursday, February 26, 2015

Shave My Beard

So it's a go-ahead for the Shave Gryphon's Beard initiative. My fundraising group that is collecting for the Patrice Butts Fund saw my beard as a resource, and for the first time in five years, I'm making myself vulnerable to being shaved.

I grew it in Katimavik when I entered a group beard-growing competition. Perhaps, since its birth came at the start of my educational journey, it's only proper that it dies at the end of it.

We decided on $250 for the beard. They said $100, I said $500, we met in the middle.

If it happens, it will be on April 2nd. I will be shaved in public and video taped to be presented on the Internet. The highest bidder will choose a facial hair style for me. So if you ever wondered what I'd look like with a goatee, muttonchops, handlebar mustache, Fu Manchu etc. Now's your time to find out.

I'm hoping for a Hollywood Hulk Hogan, but and I'm worried about those creative types. I've heard suggestions of one-side shaved one-side not, beard-hair Pikachu cheeks, a reverse-chinstrap, stripes, and of course, a Hitler mustache.

I'd keep the chosen style for a week, then shave it off completely. Then immediately grow my beard back with my amazing facial hair growth.

I started a GoFundMe which takes online donations. So do it.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Raading Week

Strange string of days recently. Friday the 13th followed by Valentine's Day, followed by the anniversary of the Canadian flag, followed by Family Day.

It's Reading Week too, which is kind of an equivalent of Spring Break, just not in the spring, and with the superficial expectation put to it that students will spend it reading.

My Extend-a-Family contract fell through. The family decided to spend their funding on something else. Found out about that on Friday the 13th. After my previous prospective contract's decision not to take a worker, I'm feeling a little pessimistic.

The two Respect Meetings from last week were record low in attendance as well, so I'm feeling a little defeated overall.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

School Email

Last Tuesday, I was on the bus to placement and I saw the man and woman who'd had that altercation a few days earlier. They were sitting in the same places as before. I guess they didn't feel the need to build space. The guy had his backpack on his lap, so I guess the woman won that dispute. In a way, I'm happy that the guy learned proper bus etiquette, but in another, it's kind of aggravating that the woman might feel encouraged to use that communication style.

I got some lining for my bundle buggy. Awwwww, yeah, no more anxiety about items falling through the iron mesh!

Roll Up the Rim is happening at Tim Horton's. There's a participant at WALES who I always have guess if I'll win because he. Is. Never. Wrong. Just one of those weird oddities of life. I had him guess my first Roll Up, he said I'd win which, of course, happened. Good way to start things off.

You can't just use a win on your regular order, I believe. You have to get the best value for your win. Felt a little weird asking for the Caramel Dream Latte, though.

I hate the school emailing system. I'm supposed to send a Respect Question of the Week every Monday. I'm supposed to include everyone in a BCC so their emails come in individually, but the BCC option doesn't wwork on my home computer for some reason. So I go to use a school computer, but the school computer doesn't let me copy/paste addresses. Last time, I wound up typing in every address manually for the entire campaign, which takes forever.

And when I tried copy/pasting from my home computer, it wouldn't send because it needs a semicolon between each address. So I tried putting a semicolon between each, but then the address recognition function kicked in and switched the recognized addresses to student names. But for some reason when it did this, it changed every address that didn't have a semicolon into one, giant, unrecognized address that it wouldn't let me edit.

 So now I've thought to copy/paste into a word processor and then manually put the semicolons in, then copy/past from that into the address bar. This way, I only have to make modifications when new people join Respect. But the graph that I pull data from auto-formats in a way that it can't be put in the address bar. So now I've got to do each address individually and put semicolons between them. Gonna take a few hourrs maybe.

It's annoying because the address recognition function and auto-formatting are supposed to be convenient, but their side-effects make my life a lot harder.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow Day

Last night we had a snowstorm and today all the schools were closed, including Conestoga. During my time at Conestoga, that's only happened once before, and that was two years ago when I was in HSF. Apparently we have a reputation for never closing, something about how we double as a cellphone tower and closing the school costs them money.

But school closing doesn't help me when I've got placement on Mondays. Well, guess what? WALES was closed too!

Yahoooo!!! I didn't think I got snow days as an adult! I feel like a kid!