Thursday, May 30, 2013

More Box Factory

Today I got to be present for the beginning of the shift at the box factory. One thing I noticed when I went in, is that the factory was shut down. All the lights were off, and no machines running. Turns out, they don't have a night shift, so the factory gets to rest during the night.

During my first long-term job, it always fascinated me that the factory never sleeps. I don't know, it's just a concept that I got caught up with. Now, it surprises me when a factory DOES sleep.

Next interesting thing is when the first five minutes of my day comprised a stretching routine. I guess it's a good idea. Manual labour gets you cramped up and I always see people stretching during the day, after they've already been cramped. It's probably better to get yourself limbered up beforehand.

They call the lunchroom the "cafeteria" and it even has a sign that says it, but it doesn't provide food. Even the vending machines are outside of it. Their food option comes from a lunch truck. In my book, a lunchroom is a room where you go to eat lunch, and a cafeteria is a place that offers food. Since this place does offer a food option, I guess I'm just quibbling over terminology.

Today I spent my day folding and gluing giant boxes, instead of punching out perforated lines.

I got called back for tomorrow. Three days of work in a row. Not bad. But I'm still on a day-by-day call-in system, so I still feel pretty temporary.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Box Factory

I got six hours of work today, and eight more hours of work tomorrow, but that's probably it. Going through a new agency this time. That means that I have found work through all three of the agencies I'm signed up with.

You know that episode of The Simpsons where Bart's class goes to a box factory? Yeah, that's where I was working today. We were taking large, flat cardboard pieces with perforated lines and punching out sections that we didn't need. Not a Linamar branch, which is notable. Sometimes I worry about how I will find employment if I wind up moving to Kitchener where there is no Linamar.

$10.40 an hour. Not quite minimum wage ($10.25/hour), but getting there. I'm not overly fond of how my direction has gone from $12 to $11 to $10.40.

There's a lot of construction going on in the house. The landlord's grandson and his wife are moving into the main section, so they're getting everything all good and fixed up. However, when I'm working, I've got to sleep through the noise of construction because my schedule is no longer my own, which can be a little bothersome.

If nothing else, my sunflower is a trendsetter. My in-house neighbour likes where I planted my sunflower, favouring it over the spot he chose for his last year, and is planning on making a sunflower garden to accompany mine. Also, my family enjoyed the process of growing and planting the sunflower enough to start a little garden. We got some already partly-grown sweet peppers, hot-peppers, eggplant, cherry tomatoes, and two types of flowers. Mom also bought some onion seed and zuchini seed.

Friday, May 24, 2013


I finally planted my sunflower outside. One sunflower in a garden in and of itself that I hand-dug just for it. I'm fully aware that it might get bitten in half by a squirrel tomorrow, but now at least I know that I gave the thing a fighting chance. Before planting it outside, I transplanted it into a larger pot, just because these frosts keep swinging by so late into the Spring. Eventually, I figured that you just can't grow a sunflower indoors, especially not in a basement apartment, and I did the outdoors transplant.

This happened two days ago. I tied it to a little stick near the base to keep it sturdy, since it didn't seem to be taking well to being an outdoor plant, and was drooping a bit. There was a frost on the first night, but despite that, the next day, it was standing up triumphantly. Next day, I had to walk in on the sight of the poor flower having been knocked over by wind, it's stem bent where it was tied to the stick. That's going to haunt me, since I wanted to give it a fighting chance and, in the end, it was my innovative idea to help it that wound up dealing it a potentially fatal blow. If I had left it untied, then it would have probably bent all the way, instead of snapping it at it's midsection. If I had tied it nearer it's top half, it would have probably stayed upright along with the stick. My idea to give it "just a little help" in standing up was what sealed it's fate.

Poor thing. I put a larger stick next to it and tied it's top portion to that, so that it is upright with it's leaves facing the sun. Since it is all still connected, I figured I'd give it a shot. Coming back to check on it, it has fanned out it's leaves and is absorbing sunlight, so it is at least showing some attempt to live. It is probably doomed at this point though, honestly.

I found two pairs of shoes in our storage room the other day. Around my size and a good deal better quality than I usually buy. So random. I asked Mom where they came from and she said that she thought I must have brought them back from one of my trips. I really don't remember anything of that nature, but whatever. Free shoes!

My Facebook Scrabble application updated itself and needed to terminate all games currently in place to implement the new formatting, Since my opponent was the one to play last in all three matches, it declared me the loser for each of them!  What kind of logic is that?!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Didn't Get Called Back for Work

Well, we didn't get called back again after my second day of work. We ran out of parts to inspect, so I guess that's the reason. Was still good to get a couple days of work in and to know that I've still got it. We were going by a system where the agency was calling every day to individually ask for us back, and we had to sign in to front office every day. Felt really temporary, and I guess it was. They had a nice system for payment, though. Instead of getting our pay sheets signed and then handing them into the agency, we just recorded our information, and the supervisor took it and reported it to the agency. Combine that with Direct Deposit, and you've got a system where all you do is work and get paid. Pretty smooth.

You know how they got rid of the Canadian penny because it cost more to make them than they were worth? Yeah well, word on the street is that there's plans to get rid of our Toonie ($2 coin) and replace it with plastic $2 bills because the two metals found inside the coins make them too expensive to produce. Not sure why we wouldn't just revert to using only one metal...

The Liquor Control Board of Ontario almost went on strike, apparently. Don't really know what it was about, but it sounds like this isn't the first time it's happened, and the establishment always complies with demands right before a strike.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Got Some Work

So I was actually working today. $11.00 an hour for another Linamar branch, this time doing Quality Control on bolts. I was asked to come in yesterday, but it was short notice, I only had enough time to get there, and I wasn't carrying the necessary Personal Protective Equipment, so I couldn't do it. Was surprised when they called me in today, and they've asked me to go in tomorrow. The original offer was for only one day, and it has expanded to three, so you never know. If nothing else, maybe this means I'm on the inside of Linamar's inner ring of reliable employees again. Or maybe this is a potential entry point to getting there.

It's near my old neighborhood from back when I was a child. Not much has changed, except the Neighborhood Tea House is gone, replaced by an Arabic grocery. There's a new Mexican restaurant that claims to be "Mexilicious" and Mario's Pizza has been replaced by Tony's Pizza. All the kids at my old elementary school now have lockers with combination locks, instead of the coat hooks we used to have.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Shea Butter Man

I signed up with another agency last Tuesday, on Wednesday they scheduled an appointment with me, and today, I got my skills tested and did the interview. I think it went well.

There's a new store in Old Quebec Street downtown. It's called The Shea Butter Man. If you will recall, shea butter is the pride of Mali, a miracle cream that you can use to make your skin smooth as silk and strong as steel, to flavour your food, waterproof houses, heal injuries and more. It's a product that's been trending, but only for use as a skin cream, and usually only as a watered-down product with a bunch of other ingredients.

The Shea Butter Man emphasizes shea butter, but it is a store full of Sahel region African art that is all for sale. I looked up the store online, and saw that the three nations emphasized were Burkina Faso, Mali, and Ghana.

My understanding was that Mali is the nation most famous for its shea butter, and almost where it is produced exclusively, but it didn't surprise me that there was some spillover into Burkina Faso, which is a neighbouring nation. Ghana's still West Africa, but a little bit further away from Mali than Burkina Faso.

So I went in and it turns out that it's owned by a couple from Ghana. All of the art is from Ghana. The owner says he's been near the border of Mali many times, but he's never crossed it, although he has friends who live there. Whatever. Still cool to have a West African store nearby.

Stuff's expensive, though. For a statue that I bought in Mali for the equivalent of $2.50, here one costs like, $50. Cheapest decorative items were masks. A small mask is $27 and they have elephant masks, but they're medium- and large-size, with the cheaper being over $50.

I was worried that the business would struggle here, since Old Quebec Street has kind of a bad turnover rate for stores, but apparently sales have been good. Maybe it's because it's the only real store of it's kind, and because shea butter is trending.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Weird Walk

Well, I've applied to nine places and I'm signed up with two temp agencies. Got two more agencies to sign up with, and then I've got to improvise.

Saw some weird stuff while out on a walk the other day. There were these four bicycle riders, three in the road, one on the sidewalk. They were all side-by-side, so branching further into the road than they should have. The one furthest in suddenly fell off his bike. He got up, dusted himself off, and then began inspecting his bike for damages. He didn't get off the road, though, and his friends all stopped to watch him. Cars were swerving to avoid him. And then he bent over to more thoroughly inspect his bike and in doing so, he stuck his bottom way out into even the other lane. Frustrating.

Then, on the same walk, I heard a scream. I looked over and saw a man lying flat on his back in a driveway, with a car backing up onto him. The car managed to stop before it hurt him. When he got up he was screaming about how he almost got run over and some lady was trying to calm him down.

Then when I got close to home, there was some big police raid going on in a house just a little down the street from us. Never seen anything like that before in this neighborhood.

I got a sunflower on Earth Day, back in my school. I didn't want the responsibility of caring for it, but I knew the people who were handing them out, and they managed to get me to take one. After I had it, I felt guilty about killing it, so I wound up following the instructions to raise it. First week, nothing happened. But when I went back to the Rez and got it with my last suitcase, strangely, in the dark of night and in my hands riding the bus, the thing sprouted. Since then, it's been growing like crazy. Another half a week, and it should be safe to transplant into the garden. It'll probably still get eaten by a squirrel or something.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Photo

Remember how I was complaining that I like to update my FB profile pic yearly, but I hadn't had any interesting photos taken of me lately? Well, I complained too soon. Check this one out:

Awww yeah, that's the stuff. I updated my Google+ photo as well.