Thursday, February 21, 2013

Visiting the Old Dojo

I went to visit my old dojo the other day. It's something I've been meaning to do for awhile, but just never got around to. By chance, there weren't any of my old buddies when I went there, except for the head sensei. It was good catching up with him and learning about the progress of the various people since I stopped training.

Hey, guess what? Justin Trudeau sent me an email the other day:

Did you catch the debate today, Gryphon? I hope I made you proud to be a part of this campaign.

These debates are about you and millions of other Canadians -- and what we're working for together. 

This morning I set a goal of ensuring 70% of Canadians get a post-secondary education-- your contribution to our campaign is the first step to getting us there. 



Check that out. We're on a first-name basis, and he's even trying to bum me for a fiver. I guess we're pretty tight, now. Its probably because I sat in the front row. He probably thought I was a pretty cool guy. He even knows I'm bilingual, or I assume he does, because he sent me a French translation, too. Us bilinguals gotta stick together.

Got back my marks for two more assignments. 100% on both of them! Yeah! I had some confidence in them, though. Im more worried about my Sociology exam.

But so far, these are the grades I've gotten:


So I'm currently meeting my goal of getting over 90%.

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