Monday, September 21, 2015


It's my birthday today! I'm now 26 years old. You could argue I'm entering my late twenties, but I'm going to argue I'm still mid-twenties. 21, 22, 23 are early twenties, 24, 25, 26, are mid twenties, 27, 28, 29, are late twenties. 20 is a round number so it doesn't have to be categorized. Three sets of three to divide a decade, it's just math. You could say I'm in my late mid-twenties if you really wanted an age dig, but that's kind of cumbersome.

It was a pretty good year. I helped run the Respect Campaign, I graduated college, did another stint with the Summer Program, got work with Extend-a-Family as a Direct Support Worker and got hired with Facile. Moved out of student housing and got my own place with a couple of friends. And I managed to make seven sunflowers blossom. In the next year I want to take driving lessons and get my G2 and have eight sunflowers blossom.

Don't have much planned for today. I purposely didn't schedule any work so that I could have the day off. My roommates prepped me a little birthday surprise, which was sweet.

I've had some pretty good birthday reveals is the past. It was my birthday during Canada World Youth the day that we were traveling to Mali. We reconnected with the other group and during a conversation, one of the other group members asked me how old I was. I said "21. Wait." I looked at the clock, turned back "I mean 22".

When I was in my first year of college, I was sitting in the Atrium with a couple of friends when some people walked by, spreading word about the International Day of Peace, which was that day. I said "My birthday is the International Day of Peace?" My friend said "It's your birthday?"

By the way, my birthday is the International Day of Peace

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