Thursday, December 21, 2017

Finals and Christmas

Finals are done and I have all my grades back. They haven't been officially posted yet, but since I've got the results for each individual assignment and the grading scheme for each course it's possible to figure out my final averages. They're good. Predictably, I didn't do as well on the tests as the assignments, but overall, my grades are a cut above average.

After the initial awkwardness of not knowing the University's systems and getting bit for it, the courses wound up feeling easier than I expected. My academic advisor told me to avoid 100-level courses for next semester, so maybe things will get a bit more challenging in January.

Christmas is nearly upon us. I still have some Christmas shopping to do. Usually I'm pretty good at picking presents for people, but this year I can't think of anything original, and there's nothing I even really want.

Tomorrow my roommate is having a pre-Christmas dinner. It's slightly peculiar because he's really getting into the Christmas spirit despite being Muslim. I guess Christmas has become pretty detached from religion. I pulled out my old artificial Christmas tree from the back of the walkway closet. Still has blue tinsel and a tree topper as well. Last year's roommate wasn't a big fan of Christmas so I didn't do any decorating. Over the past three years, I have had three different sets of roommates on Christmas. And that's only if you only count my time post-student housing.

Going to have Christmas proper in Guelph. I'm bouncing back and forth between the two cities throughout the holidays.

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