Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Today I submitted my article for Secondchance's newsletter. You guys were a completely relevant aspect to it. In fact, I was requested the link to this blog, which I dodged. Probably, they'll get the link, see the blog, see me say I dodged their seeing it, and my dodging technique will only come back and bite me.

That's okay. I only dodged speaking on this blog to avoid the knowledge that, while I aim to update everyday, I actually don't.

So today I figured out what the high-tech people's slang-name is. They're "spinners". We have rockers, springers and spinners. Isn't that fun?

Spinners have the toughest job. I always make sure not to take a chair when we're doing small parts, because there isn't enough chairs for everyone, and I always seem to get one. I feel obligated to give everyone their proper chance. And spinners never take chairs.

I always assumed this was an aspect of machismo. People who can handle the toughest job aren't going to deprive any weaklings of their precious chairs. I always thought that I had nothing to prove... That if they insisted on standing, after I gave them their proper chance to sit, it was their problem. But today, I wasput with two people who don't use chairs. I explained to them my philosophy, and they encouraged me to take one.

A spinner complained that he was the only one who wasn't sitting. I offered my seat, and he denied, saying that to do his job, he required an elevated level. Well, that explained a lot. Those spinners aren't standing because they want to, they're standing because they have to!

Want to know a secret? Today someone was required to learn how to spin because the regular spinner wasn't there. I know how to sin, because someone who wasn't a suervisor trained me on my third or fourth day!

I didn't want to stand all day, so I didn't mention my proficiency,while someone else on my team had to be trained and production was ultimately slowed. Is this a bad thing?

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