Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year Move

Well, we're done the vast bulk of our move.  Every place up until now that I have lived in has been all-inclusive, but this one charges for utilities. Even had to go to the hydro place and the gas place to get set up. Never done that before, it was a learning experience. Looking forward to my first gas and hydro bill.

We don't have Internet yet though. I'm at Tim Horton's right now, they have free WiFi and are open 24/7. This is going to be my new office until I get home Internet.

This Tim's doesn't have an outlet that can be reached by a charge cord, and both my work and personal computers have terrible battery life, so I can't do things indefinitely here, and I can't make this post too long, as I've already run through my work computer and am using my personal one and it's half dead.

New Year's Eve was spent moving. It was kind of a drag, but at least it seemed poetic, starting a life in a new home as the New Year rolls in. It will be easy to remember how long we've lived her, later down the line.

I have to check my work email now, and I'm cringing. The holidays and the move and not having access to Internet have distracted me from this for a bit. Oh boy. Wish me luck.

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