Thursday, February 6, 2014

Midterm Return

Got my first midterm back. I've now done two midterms and a paper and I've not had faith in any of them. I can't believe he marked them so fast... I did the test this Monday! Less than four days! And it wasn't scantron or anything like that.

Anyway, by some miracle I did okay. Everyone always says "Oh you'll do fine, you're Gryphon" and I appreciate the faith people have in me, but this seriously feels like a miracle. Now I just need two more.

Is it too early to make an observation surrounding public perception to Bri's passing? I noticed that many, many people took up prayer for her and spoke of religious sentiments "God needed our Earth Angel to be with Him" "I hope the angels know what they have" "It's all a part of God's Plan, though we cannot understand it" and the like. Lovely sentiments and what do I know, they could very well be true. But it was interesting to me because the vast majority of people speaking in this way, I had not realized were connected with religion. Asking around, I realized that the vast, vast majority of people had a Christian background but "Hadn't really been practicing" until Bri's condition became known. I had thought that this nation had been losing it's religious base as of the previous generation, probably because I wasn't raised with religion and the fade seemed to have actually come about a generation previous. But it looks like that change that I perceived as largely taking place two generations ago is actually taking place in this generation.

That being said, I prayed for Bri too. It seemed like the proper thing to do and I didn't want to be the only one not praying. Cynicism seemed tactless, so I took up the practice. I never knew if I was doing it right, though.

 On the bus in Kitchener, they have an automated voice say the name of each bus stop. I don't know if this is common... We don't have that in Guelph. Anyway, there's this one stop called KUNTZ Electroplating. The electronic woman would say KOONTZ Electroplating... And eventually some but not all would pronounce the letters individually "Kay Yu En Tee Zed Electroplating" and I assumed that this was so it would sound less like the C-word, and they didn't do every bus because of budgeting reasons. But recently I've noticed there's a new brand of buses that say... Yeah, they say the C-word. So now whenever I'm on the bus, I never know if it's going to say "Koontz" is it's going to spell it out, or if it's going to cuss.

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