Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Well is Dry

Last Monday, Well.cabroke a company record for most orders sent within a day. They break a record on my first day back. Coincidence?

They were so happy they bought everyone pizza. They bought so much pizza that we collectively couldn't finish it all.

When he was announcing it, he sort of played us. He started off by talking about how on Monday, the whole system went down for half an hour and how it might not sound like a lot, but hundreds of orders are sent in the span of half an hour... He made it sound like we were behind schedule and would need to hustle. But then he capped it off by saying how impressed he was with how we managed to break record even with the technical difficulties.

There's a negative side to this, though. Because I'm called in based on whether or not there are orders... If we run through the orders too fast, then I don't get called in for work. And that's why I don't have any work today and probably not for the rest of the week.

Oh well... I've got that interview tomorrow, and I've got a social event on Friday.... Start off the summer with two days of work, a job interview, and a party... Better than last summer, that's for sure.

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