Friday, August 15, 2014

Back From Impeesa

I'm back!

It was a really good experience to be placed in  a full-immersion setting in a natural environment (like what I had in Chisasibi and Mali) combined with doing work in my favoured field. It was like paradise, although definitely challenging at times.

We cooked, cleaned, played sports, went on hikes, did crafts etc. The best element of course, was all the dynamic personalities of the participants. But I'm not allowed to speak on that.

Before I left, I had to get some paperwork in to school for my position as Respect Leader the Wednesday of last week. It was frustrating because I live right next to the campus, but all the time that they're open, I'm working, so I've got zero access. I decided to see if a scan would do, but when I went onto my computer, I realized that even though I hooked up my printer/photocopier/scanner to my new computer and I've used the printer since, I've never used the scanner, and the scan shortcut was not on my new computer.

So I tried to look it up and I found it, but all my computer would say was that it was functioning fine. It wouldn't give me the option to scan, thou.

Thought to go across to the school and use their resources but realized that they have only printer/photocopiers, with scanners available only during work hours.

I thought to try booting up my old computer, even though last time I tried, both my account and the admin account were becoming unusable and requiring frequent resets, and most of the time it would make a weird screaming sound and stop working when I tried to log in.

But I tried it and to my relief, it worked. My trusty old laptop worked once more just for me.

But when I scanned the forms and tried sending them by email, it bounced. I tried emailing someone else from Student Life and that email also bounced.

I desperately tried emailing a few more times and one went through. And I got a message saying the reciprocant was on vacation.

But it was okay because she'd be back during the week before the due date. I just had to leave and trust things would go well. I left them my cell number with the thought that I could get my roommates to bring the papers in during the work week if things didn't go well.

Things went well enough. The scanned forms are enough to get the paperwork going.but they might need an original signature later on. At least I have my job.

But I was packing for the overnight at the same time and was distracted enough to do an imperfect job. Day I went in, I realized at the last moment that I forgot to pack bedding. But since I was at the EAF office near WALES and I visited WALES before going in, they actually hooked me up with blankets, sheets and pillows. It was pretty slick. Brought them their stuff back today and I'll hopefully remember to bring my own next week at the overnight.

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