Friday, June 24, 2011

I Hate Banks

Remember how I was changing bank accounts? Well, recently, I checked my online account to see if it had happened, and it did. I went to get my train ticket today, used debit, and it didn't work. I went to get cash, tried to take out $100, and found that my account only had $60. I checked my online account again, and it said that I only had $20 (I took out $40 to pay for the train ticket... cheaper than I expected).

I thought maybe it was identity theft, but I checked my transaction history, and it was accurate... but only if you factor out the transferred money from my other account ever having been there. Also, since I don't have a credit card, and I still have my debit card... It seems like identity theft would be hard.

I went to talk to my bank, and the guy said it takes 4-6 weeks for a money transferal between accounts, and it's only been around 4 weeks right now. He says I probably confused the money in the two separate accounts. I'd buy that, except this has happened twice...

First time was after the vaccinations. I'd checked my online account, and it had $1500 in it. Tried to use debit and was denied. Went back, found it said $150. Thought I must have missed a digit, since I was expecting $1500 and the amounts look similar despite being fairly different. When I checked the second time, to see if the money had transferred, I gave it a good, hard, thorough look, because I knew I'd already mis-seen it once. Then I called my mom over to give me a second oppinion on the amount before my eyes. She confirmed it.

So... I don't know what's going on. It's a little more distressing this time around, because last time, I tried to, and succeeded in, using my old account. Meaning the money was still around somewhere. Tried that trick this time, and it turns out, that account has been deleted.

So it really feels like $1500 just disappeared.

I hate banks, and I hate money. All they've ever done is cause me stress and hurt feelings. I know it's all necessary, but I can't say holding a handful of cash gives me the same buzz it seems to give others. I'm a good example of how money can slip through your fingers, and how unrewarding the experience can be. And I'm not bad with my money. I always try to save... But someone always steals it. You've heard... at least two stories regarding this. Mom's Disability and then this. But it's more extensive than that, and I don't feel like elaborating.

On the plus side, as I said above, the ticket was way cheaper, and I could still afford it. Instead of the $283 CWY predicted, it was only $88! That's... significant. I don't think CWY will give me the same reimbursement, though, since they're asking for receipts, but at least it meant my plans weren't thrown for a loop.

I went to my brother's achievement ceremony. It was a partial graduation ceremony, but because he goes to an alternative school, and his class is small, it might've been too short a ceremony if they'd only celebrated the two people graduating. It was pretty good. My brother got a certificate, he got a couple shout-outs during the ceremony, I got to meet all his friends, and some people he's told stories about.

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