Monday, October 18, 2010

Eye Test

I got my eyesight checked today. First time I got it checked in over a decade, probably. I almost didn't go, because I was fine with my eyes, and if I was told I needed glasses, that would only make me feel bad, without aiding me in life in any discernible way. But the test was free, and I can't turn down free things...

But it turned out I have perfect vision. My brother's a little near-sighted. Strangely enough, she put some kind of sticky liquid in my eyes, and not him...

The appointment went a lot faster than they estimated for me. I guess that's because I never had to deal with a second line of letters, since I always got the bottom one right, and also, it turns out, I didn't have to go through a more extensive lens-testing segment, both of which my brother went through.

There was this one point where she stuck some light right up against my eyeball, to scan it for health reasons, I think. She asked me not to blink, but I couldn't help it. Eventually she had to pry my eyelid open while she examined. Apparently you get a better scan if the person can just keep their eye open. I'm sorry! My brother beat me in this category. He didn't have any trouble.

At one point, she asked me to tell her when the row of letters, "second from the bottom" got blurry. I remember I thought my chances for 20/20 were ruined, that I had been demoted from the bottom row (most difficult) to second-from-the-bottom. But it was a lens-test, and I guess somewhat different.

I also thought my ADD might cause them to think I had bad eyesight, when they asked me to focus on one point, while they waved lights and sticks in front of my eyes.

I made bread last night. This batch included a garlic-and-cheese loaf. I know that, in pizzeria terms, that's just garlic bread, but since we've had both cheese-only bread, and garlic-only bread, this is new for us! It was by far my Greatest Creation!

I think I already said my recipe makes five loaves, but we only have four pans. Thing is, I think even four is too much. Usually, by the time we finish, the last loaf is just beginning to harden and mould. I might tamper with the recipe.

So, the Chilean miners who were so cool made a contract with each other not to talk to anyone about what happened in the first 17 days they were trapped, when they didn't know if they would be rescued. Someone spilled the beans. Know who it was? #2. The guy I complimented so much, for his trendsetting and showmanship. With this new development, I'd say he went from "showman" to "attention whore". His reasoning? He needed to talk, because people were saying they had sex!

Well, if you're going to be baited out of your promise on a cheap goad like that, couldn't you simply make the denial that that specific thing ever happened? You don't have to tell everything!

Of course, it doesn't sound like there was much TOO tell. In fact, the fact that this was how they acted in their darkest moment, and something they considered too shameful to tell anyone about, is simply yet another testimony to their toughness!


  1. Hmm ... I'd guess your appointment was so much shorter because they figured you'd need glasses and thus they'd need time to figure out your prescription, checking both of your eyes in detail and making you do all the either/or stuff. (Which picture looks clearer, 5 or 6? 7 or 8?) You didn't, so you got to skip all that stuff.

    Yeah, IIRC, the don't-blink test with light is them scanning the back of your eye to make sure everything is healthy back there. (I've worn glasses since I was 9 and probably needed them before that - I have trouble reading the E on the eye chart; I'm also old enough that my eyes are changing again, so I have plenty of experience with eye exams.) The other one where you have to keep your eyes open is the stupid glaucoma puff-of-air-in-your-eye test that I hate.

    I think I know the waving-light test, or at least I seem to remember it. Not sure what that's about, maybe it's also checking out your eyes from different angles.

  2. I am impressed. I don't think Ive met anyone who knows as much about this subject as you do. You are truly well informed and very intelligent. You wrote something that people could understand and made the subject intriguing for everyone. Really, great blog you have got here. DMV EYE EXAM
