Thursday, September 24, 2009


...I just got halfway through a rather thorough post, but it was going in a direction I was uncertain on whether or not should be shared publicly. I think it's fine, but I'm still going to... get a second opinion first.

Anyway, I feel ill. I fought off the traditional birthday sickness during my actual birthday, which I'm quite proud of, but I still got sick beforehand and afterward.

So I didn't get much done. Kinda wasted it away. I was going to post about how I wasted it, but that's what I'm not sure I want to get into. Don't let your imaginations run too wild, though. It's really not that bad.

I talked to my old Big Sister from my old Big Brother Couple from the Big Brother association today. We're talking about getting together next week to celebrate my birthday, which should be cool.

Otherwise... I like this season. Autumn. The sun is warm, the air is cold, the leaves are all different colours. I love the smell of rotting leaves on the air. It's a melancholic season. It's the season of death, and the season for preparing for hard times. That melancholic Fall scent can even still surprise me once in a while with pinpricks of nostalgia, and even unity, on the remnants of my shattered soul. It's a season of reflection and anticipation. Of sad, but beautiful truths. There's no other time when being depressed feels so sweet.

Apparently, it used to last longer. There used to be like, four seasons. Nowadays, it feels like there's two months... Summer and Winter, and Fall and Spring are short transitional periods between them.

Autumn is my favourite season. Even if it doesn't last long, when it is around, it feels like I've spent most of my life in it.

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