Sunday, January 2, 2011

Clock Block, Lost Wallet

I showed up to work, and there was only two people standing outside. There were no cars in the parking lot, and the factory was locked up. One of the two people outside was the higher up guy who let me in the building that one time I showed up when I wasn't needed, assuming I had been asked there exclusively. The guy with him was around the same status. When they saw me, they were surprised, and told me only five people had been asked to come in. I told them that this time I confirmed what the agency had asked of me three times, and while I bet the agency was wrong, I was sure someone had asked me to come. So we waited for awhile and eventually the supervisor shows up. I ask him if I was really asked to come in, and he says that I was. Well, well. I feel like a big shot. Last time I thought I was asked in exclusively but was mistaken in front of these guys, and now they get to see me genuinely having been asked in exclusively.

But then three of my fellow temps show up.

Turns out, they called some people in at the last minute. Outside the seven people I just mentioned, there was two more, making nine people in the factory. Another temp was supposed to show up, excluding the guy who quit before Christmas, but for some reason, he didn't show. That means he doesn't get his three days holiday pay.

That reminds me... We were supposed to be paid for New Year's Day! So, if we worked on it, does that mean we essentially worked a day for free?

Oh, and we really did need to have a timesheet signed for a single day.

They took away all our clocks! It seems very, very intentional. I remember complaining about the temptation of looking at the clock, and how it makes time go slower, but I'm not sure if I told you the clock situation.

Well, next to our workplace, we had this big clock that was pretty hard to avoid looking at, and every station I'd ever been in in the plant had some kind of clock readily available. In our back-up stations, where they put us when there's no more parts... I inspect tone wheels, which I hate, because when you're doing the other work, you can let your mind wander, but when you're inspecting, you need to be alert and thinking about work all the time... Company wasn't satisfied with just controlling my body, it needed to control my mind, too!

Anyway, next to it is this big screen which has a digital clock that bounces around and changes colour! And it doesn't just count hours and minutes, it counts seconds, too! Did someone purposely invent that clock just to be as annoying as possible? The only way I could think of to make it more annoying is to have it sound a whistle every fifteen minutes.

Well, anyway, they took away our clocks, and it seems like they went directly from a "clocks everywhere" policy to a "no clocks anywhere" policy. All of the little digital clocks that even serve as side-functions on the machines have all been dismantled. We found one of the clocks behind a garbage can, but it was telling the wrong time...

We got clock blocked!

Two days ago, Mom lost her wallet. We didn't even know she had until I got a Facebook message from a guy saying he found it. Apparently he messaged some other people Mom'd listed as her relatives, because we got a message from someone else he'd sent to, letting us know the same information.

Not only did he find it, but he offered to drop it off for us, and not only did he not take the money in the wallet, but he found a cigarette pack nearby that had fallen out and returned that as well... AND there was a lottery ticket in Mom's wallet she never bought.

Wouldn'tit be funny if Mom losing her wallet won her the lottery? But she's said multiple times that if she wins, she's not going to keep the money.

He also made sure I had his cell phone number, and said that if we ever needed help, we should call.

Strangely enough, he lives just down the road from us.

Wow... What a guy, eh?

He didn't recognize my face because I had a Facebook profile image of my "Kiss Santa" pin hat up at the time. That is actually a very classy image with a plethora of in-massages that only my Katimavik people, and especially the ones who gifted it to me, will understand, but from an outsider's perspective, it must have just looked vulgar. Back to my suit pic!

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty impressive. It's always nice when something potentially bad turns out not to be bad, especially through the kindness of a stranger.

    No clocks, hmm. That's unusual, I think ... what would they do if you wore a watch? Are you allowed to wear watches? (I suppose on an assembly line it might not be allowed.)
