Monday, January 17, 2011

Music Taste

I don't really have any taste in music. In this society, that's kind of like not having one of the five senses. Someone that doesn't have musical sense will say they "listen to everything" because it's safer than saying they don't listen. Of course, people who are super into music sometimes actually listen to everything.

Here's the kind of conversations I have to endure:
"Yo, Gryph, what music you listen to?"
"I don't listen to music very often."
"But when you do, what do you listen to?"
"I don't listen to music."
"Name one song or artist that you like."
"None of them."
"If you could be listening to any song in the world right now, what would it be?"
"That's terrible."

"Hey, what kind of music do you listen to?"
"I don't really listen to music."
"I know, it's like missing one of the five senses, isn't it?"
"Well, no, but... Yeah. I'm sorry, but... yeah, that's what it's like. Nobody's ever told me they didn't listen to music before."

I need to shape up. I can't live my whole life like this.

We got another new temp today. Now we have seven assemblers, and we only use six. Usually, the one remaining guy that I started at the same time as gets put on different job. It's probably a promotion. They might send that guy they shifted from Days back to his old shift, if this new woman turns out to be reliable. He was only supposed to be on Nights temporarily.

I'm failing hard at Scrabble. That one woman who surprised me by reading my blog is my online Scrabble partner. It's our main mode of communication (there's a chat box). When I stopped playing we fell out of communication. But going back, I remember why I've been procrastinating. I'm just getting beat so bad, and there seems to be no move I can make that wouldn't set her up for a good move and at the same time give me almost nothing. I'm going to just bite the bullet, forfeit, and start a new game.

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