Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Library, Job Counseling, Coffee & Coat Again, Astrology

Alright, so I'm at the library, using regular library time. I had to go to employment counseling with Mom, on request by Welfare, so I didn't have my laptop, and I'm supposed to be going over to Louise's, but I decided to be crazy and wild and go to the library without permission, so I here I am! It's alright, though, because my appointment was supposed to be at 11:00, but I wound up taking it with Mom, so I got off hugely early. My appointment should still be rolling as we speak. So Louise won't be surprised, but if Mom gets there before me, she'll get all weird and concerned, so I can't do too thorough of a post.

Counseling went well. We got a really nice counselor, and the workload set out by Welfare as far as job searching requirements go, is literally not a third as bad as people were making it out. In fact, you could say less than a sixth, as far as the whole family is concerned. And less than a ninth of what the worst-case scenario could have been.

Duncan's gotten all contrary and has started taking his coffee milk no sugar again, since he heard what I said about people who take their coffee that way.

This coat just seems weirder and weirder by the day. Not only does it have zipperless pockets and an inside pocket that goes nowhere, but every single time I've tried to put it on, I've put it on inside-out, first. At first I though I was just being clumsy, but it's happened too many times to be simple coincidence. I don't usually put my coat on inside out. I'm being manipulated somehow, by the coat.

My blog still shows up on Google, but you almost never get the unfortunate post anymore. I've seen it show up in a variety of ways... It can link to the most recent post, or it can link to the one I dropped my name on, or it can have either the main page on top, the name-drop indented, or the name-drop on top, the main page indented. Only rarely does the other one crop up. I'm on a winning streak.

I did an astrology compatibility chart for Virgos, and it turns out we're only compatible with five out of twelve sun signs... And then you've got to subtract the Chinese year-based signs as well...

I like my book, because it doesn't pull any punches. Other places try to sugarcoat a bad matching, by saying that the relationship will "face challenges" or some wishy-washy thing, and then say what they can work on. This one just says "NO! Virgo and Aries NEVER work! GIVE UP NOW!"

And of the ones I'm compatible with... Well, Capricorn and Scorpio will try to dominate me, so that's a no-go... And Taurus and Virgo are boring, so... nah (I do realize I just insulted myself, you're not clever for noticing that). That leaves only Cancer.

Ah, yes, Cancer. How pleasant it would be to live my life with Cancer. I must try catch Cancer. Having Cancer would be awesome.

(Those were puns, relating the astrological sign to the disease. I had to do it because I let Gaiman off easy yesterday).

My ex was not only the least compatible Western astrological sign to mine least compatible Chinese sign, as well.

Got my Green stripe. That's six stripes and I'm ready to grade and see if I can advance a belt rank tomorrow.

This is all of an update I can muster right now.

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