Thursday, January 14, 2010

Job Interview Trip Culmination Post

Well, I did the interview, and I must have done okay, because they asked to have me back again the next day for a job trial, which apparently not everyone gets, and then they asked me back again the next day. Now, apparently I'm only up against one other person for the job.

I still need to complete my job tracking sheet for Welfare by Friday, so I can't actually spend too much time posting here, but I thought it had been long enough that you guys deserved a little update. I haven't been able to get on these past few days because I haven't had much in the way of consistent Internet availability.

When I was away, I stayed overnight at my Dad's twice, and my Granddad's once.

It was quite a thought-provoking journey, but I think it would be best, for the time being, if I kept most of my thoughts to myself.

I DID get those Katimavik forms in. My family doctor was kind enough to put down my letters of recommendation as attachments on her form, to help make sure somebody reads them.

And it turns out that it might be good to push these letters, because that may be why I got this interview originally.

Duncan and Mom didn't go to family counseling while I was away because, apparently, they don't have any issues with each other. I'm the only person they have problems with. Nice.

Hey, when somebody asks me about my interests, what am I supposed to say? I've got nothing. I have enough thoughts and take enough interest in things in general to maintain a blog, but what kind of specific interests do I have? Whenever people ask me, I always pull blanks.

1 comment:

  1. How about karate? Video games? (I know sometimes people are reluctant to share that, especially younger people, because some people may think less of you if you're a gamer.) Drawing? (Don't know how detailed about the webcomic you want to be.) Reading?
