Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Short Post

It's real late, so this probably isn't going to be a long post. I've spent too much time on the computer for even my tastes, so really, it's more about letting myself have a break from online writing than it is about getting to bed.

Well, I guess that B12 has kicked in. Despite complaining about not having it in me to do a large post, my energy levels really have gotten back up to normal.

Went to karate today. Didn't go last week, just because so much stuff was happening. I was considered for a stripe, which surprised me, because I've been a yellow belt for such a short period of time that I haven't even attended a self-defense class yet! I didn't get the stripe, though. I'd only brushed over the moves necessary for it, so today was the first time that a teacher actually talked me through. I actually did well, if I do say so myself. I figured out the technique. But really I shouldn't be getting a stripe on the first lesson that I think I'm getting the hang of it. And I didn't.

A peer posted in my online writing course, so now at least I know that I do have one.

I've been contacted by two people from my past since the start of the new year. An old employment counselor and a friend from high school! I really am liking this year.

Soon as we hit February, I'll have gotten through a whole year where I paid attention to the months. Maybe I'll have a notion of what the weather is like in any given month, if someone references such a thing.

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