Monday, October 5, 2009

Harmonica Forum

Couldn't get to sleep last night, because every time I lay down, every facial orifice would plug up and I'd start suffocating, so I waited until I passed out from exhaustion when the others were near waking up, and I wound up sleeping through Granddad's visit.

To pick up a bit of news that I could blog about, I forced myself to finally check that harmonica forum. The results were what I was expecting, and probably what I was afraid of seeing, and why I didn't want to check. Basically the same advice they give all newbies, which I'd already seen, and which hasn't worked for me yet.

I guess I'll keep 'em talking in case anything helpful comes up.

I remember back when I was in my pre-employment program, we did something called "check-in" every morning where we'd say what we'd done that day. I really took to it. It gave me the ambition to do something noteworthy every day. I would rehearse what I'd say every day. Even to this day, I imagine myself sitting at that table, explaining whatever situation I'm in, and imagining their responses.

Letting go is the hardest lesson in life for me to learn. I'm not good at it at all.

Anyway, this blog has a similar effect. I think about what I'm going to say, and if I don't have anything noteworthy to say, I make whatever unnoteworthy thing I did sound noteworthy, and if I can't do that... I do something noteworthy. Even if you're just buffing out something unimportant, saying it with pride and wit makes one feel really good about oneself.

So I overcame a fear because of this blog, so I guess it's had a good effect...

1 comment:

  1. It is surprising how much of an effect how you say something has on you. I try to share that with my friends ... not all of them see things the same way ...
